Feng Shui 2.0
The Mystical and the Science

The Mystical

Feng Shui 2.0 - The Mystical

Sacred Activism:   

The use of mindful heart-centered practices to activate as well as improve personal, environmental, social, political and global issues affecting the planet. Feng Shui 2.0 and its Intentional Candle Ceremony are two potent Sacred Activism methods.

Three Secrets Reinforcement Ritual of Intention:

A Feng Shui ritual that is performed with every cure, thus activating its greatest potential…the power of action, through the completion of a suggested deed, the power of the mind through visualization and the power of the voice through affirmation. It is believed in Feng Shui that this intentional ritual increases the results 120%.

Quantum Feng Shui:   

A focused version of the wind/ water ancient philosophy which unites Feng Shui, quantum physics, as well as your particular God-source, Innate Intelligence, Higher Power to integrate a potent 9 Feng Shui habits and cures to perform in your home and office in order to promote personal and planetary peace.

Feng Shui 2.0 - The Mystical

Fire Alchemy as Medicine:

A Rosicrucian Egyptian alchemy art of transformation. Called the Great Work, the alchemist would use fire with the goal to destroy the outer form of a substance to reveal its basic ingredients. In spiritual alchemy, this step seeks to get beyond ego and personality to reveal one’s true identity or soul.

Kali Durge Nomo Nama:   

A Hindu chant of protection and clearing. Extremely potent and effective as well as being a mental/emotional soother. This is successfully used in one of the main flame programs which can act as a ghost-busting tool for any dwelling, anywhere on the planet.

Click here to download free guided .mp3 audio of The Ocean Healing Flame© Feng Shui Treatment


Click here to download free guided .mp3 audio of The Ocean Healing Flame© Feng Shui Treatment |

The Science

Feng Shui 2.0 - The Science

The Chi b (3P) 

A subatomic particle discovered on December 22, 2011 with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the Franco-Swiss border, originally built to investigate the fundamental building blocks of nature. Research of this captured image of the Chi Particle has helped scientists understand better the forces that hold matter together. 

The God Particle 

More accurately called the Higgs Boson, this is the universal subatomic particle first theorized in 1964 and confirmed to exist on March 14th, 2013. The discovery has been called “monumental” because it validates the existence of the Higgs Field, which explains why some fundamental particles have mass.  

Feng Shui 2.0 - The Science

Chi God Particles (CGP_9) (Alizay, 2014) 

The theorized subatomic building block co-particles responsible for mass throughout the universe. They are incredibly magnetized by intentional thought, visualizations and affirmations. This hypothesis is motivated by the Factor X behavior of these flames and is formulated from both outside verified scientific data coupled with intuitive understanding of universal manifestation laws.

Microcosm/Macrocosm Ratio 

This scientific application was first recorded centuries ago (400 A.D.) by Greek mathematical scholarsas above, so below; what is observed in the small reflects the same in the large. Thus it is possible to change the quality of the status quo within one’s environment to automatically affect the status quo of the collective.

The Butterfly Effect

Weather patterns are vulnerable to tiny chaos theory situations: like a butterfly hovering over the ocean can affect the weather patterns across entire continents. Small actions produce huge results which can have global consequences. Feng Shui 2.0 and its Intentional Candle Ceremony are two such remarkable Butterfly Effect Tools.

Feng Shui 2.0 - The Science

The 100th Monkey Effect 

A social study, starting in 1952 and lasting 30 years, determined when a critical mass number of people achieve knowledge, practice an evolved behavior, adopt a new way of thinking, this new consciousness may be communicated from mind to mind and spontaneously spread to the rest of humanity.  

Although the exact number may vary, this phenomenon reflects that when only a limited number of people know of a new way, it may remain within the group but there is a tipping point at which if only one more person adopts this new way, all of humankind takes on this evolution.  

Quantum Entanglement Theory

This hypothesis, theorized by Albert Einstein in a joint paper in 1935, coined this infamous particle behavior—“spooky action at a distance”. When an observed particle is manipulated to revolve in a certain direction, another particle, 9 million light years away from the other, likewise changes its rotation to match the initial one’s new spin. 

“When there is harmony in the home. There is order in the nation. When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world.”

Feng Shui Proverb

 Introducing a Feng Shui 2.0 Super-Power!
The Intentional Candle Ceremony

  • The blending of proven science with ancient mythology

  • The activation of a more potent, far-reaching Feng Shui addition to any practice, using the power of chi life-force for the profound restoration of anything. 

  • A Sacred Activism, which restores personal balance as well as confidently impacts the environmental, political, social and planetary issues of concern.